Posts tagged folate
Hearty Spinach Salad with Grains, Roasted Red Peppers and White Beans

I enjoy salads year-round and especially ones that double as a whole meal – for lunch or a light dinner. This recipe fits the bill. If you have some leftover rice, as in this recipe, or quinoa, include them in your salad to make it hearty and delicious. I love that this salad has the balance of protein, carbs and fat, and is so fresh and full of wonderful nutrients to nourish your body and to satisfy your hunger and your taste buds!

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Quinoa Veggie Pilaf

I love this recipe! It’s one that I have used at workshops for a couple of years now, and a recipe I make and share with friends, to demonstrate how you can pack a lot of plant-based nutrition into your meal, how balanced it is with protein, carbs and healthy fat, how quick and easy it is to make, and to turn those who don’t like quinoa into liking quinoa! Really, it truly is delicious and nutrition packed, gluten and dairy free, a one-pan recipe that is quick and easy to make. It is also super versatile – use whatever veggies you have in your fridge, and during our long Canadian winters, you can use frozen veggies.

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