Posts tagged antiinfla
Baked Five Spice Chinoise-Style Pork Tenderloin

Reminiscent of the BBQ pork at Chinese restaurants, this easy to prepare pork tenderloin recipe features Chinese 5 Spices powder (available at most grocery stores) which gives this dish its fabulous, unique and familiar flavour. A simple marinade that becomes the baste and delicious sauce for the plated tenderloin slices, served with rice and steamed broccoli drizzled with sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds, creates an impressive and delicious dish you’ll serve with pride to family and friends.

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Hearty Spinach Salad with Grains, Roasted Red Peppers and White Beans

I enjoy salads year-round and especially ones that double as a whole meal – for lunch or a light dinner. This recipe fits the bill. If you have some leftover rice, as in this recipe, or quinoa, include them in your salad to make it hearty and delicious. I love that this salad has the balance of protein, carbs and fat, and is so fresh and full of wonderful nutrients to nourish your body and to satisfy your hunger and your taste buds!

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