Quick and Easy Caprese Naan Pizza

Quick and Easy and impressive too! And did I mention delicious? This is a great lunch to make for Valentine’s Day or for dinner with a green salad on the side. The colours pop with the tomato and the cheese and the basil and the drizzle of balsamic glaze and the flavour combination is divine!

If you want to get fancy, make a cut at the top of the naan to make it the shape of a heart or lay the tomatoes in such a way that it resembles a heart shape. Either way, heart shaped or naan shape, the love you put into this caprese pizza will shine through!

Tomatoes are an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant and support the immune system.  Tomatoes are a source of potassium, VitC, VitB and VitE, the latter two support heart health (perfect for Valentine’s Day!). Tomatoes also contain lutein and zeaxanthin that support eye health and macular degeneration.

Bocconcini, the small version of a larger mozzarella ball, is, like mozzarella, lower in sodium and calories than other cheeses. It is a great source of Zinc, Riboflavin (B2) and Potassium. It also contains probiotic bacteria which supports gut health and the immune system and is a great source of biotin for hair and nail health and calcium for bone health.

As always, when you make this recipe, please post a photo of your Quick and Easy Caprese Naan Pizza goodness and tag my IG account #RenataCollective or leave a comment with your thoughts!

Prep Time:  10 minutes / Cook Time: 10 minutes / Serves: 2-4


  • 2 Naan Flatbreads – store bought is what I used.

  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil - divided

  • ½ teaspoon Garlic Powder - divided

  • 2 Medium Tomatoes - sliced into 8-10 slices

  • 9 Bocconcini - sliced

  • ½ teaspoon Dried Basil - divided

  • 6 Large Fresh Basil Leaves

  • Pinch of Herbed Seasoned Sea Salt

  • Grinds of Fresh Black Pepper

  • Balsamic Glaze - for drizzling (Alternate – straight Balsamic Vinegar drizzled sparingly)  

How it’s Made

  • Preheat your oven to 425°F.

  • Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper or a silicon pad.

  • Put the naans on the baking sheet and put the pan in the oven to warm the bread as the oven heats up and you prepare the other ingredients. Don’t let them bake for too long or they will get too firm and crispy.

  • When your ingredients are ready, remove the pan with the naans from the oven.

  • Drizzle a ½ tablespoon of the olive oil over each naan, then sprinkle ¼ teaspoon of the garlic powder and ¼ teaspoon of the dried basil on each as well.

  • Now layer the tomatoes and the cheese, overlapping them, around the outside edge of the naan and then adding some to the middle.

  • Season with a pinch of herbed seasoning sea salt and a few grinds of fresh black pepper.

  • The pan now goes back into the oven – which should be heated to 425°F by now. Bake for 10 minutes until the cheese is melted and the tomatoes are soft and heated through.

  • Remove the pan from the oven.

  • Place the fresh basil leaves evenly on each naan.

  • Drizzle with the remaining ½ tablespoon olive oil on each naan, and season with a few more grinds of fresh black pepper (you don’t need more salt).

  • Drizzle with the balsamic glaze, or straight balsamic vinegar if that’s what you are using.   

  • You can serve each naan pizza whole and let the lucky person eating it cut it up themselves, or you can cut it in half or into 4’s first and then serve this love-filled, special nutritious, deliciousness!
