Flax Egg

Flax eggs – like chia eggs – isn’t egg at all but rather a healthy egg substitute in vegan baking. A hen’s egg adds leavening (rising), binding, flavour and colour to a baked good where a flax egg or chia egg adds the binding but no rising of the batter. Flax eggs are best used in coffee cakes, pancakes, muffins and squares – baked goods that do not need a lot of rising.

Flax Meal is a powerful antioxidant and is high in fiber, flax seeds have been cultivated since ancient times – as early as 3000 BC in Babylon. Its health benefits have been widely studied and researched since. Flax seeds contain Omega 3 fatty acids which promote heart health. Fun fact - flax seeds are what egg laying chickens are fed to up the Omega 3 content in their eggs?  Flax seeds are rich in lignans – the fiber content – which benefits digestion and is a plant-based form of estrogen. The nutrient combination in the tiny but mighty flax seed is attributed to lowering cholesterol, keeping arteries healthy, lowering blood pressure and preventing certain cancers.

As always, when you make this recipe, and use a flax egg in your baking adventure, I would love to see your creation so please post a photo of your Flax Egg goodness and tag my IG account #RenataCollective or leave a comment with your thoughts!

Prep Time: 1 minute / Wait time: 5 minutes / Makes: 1 flax egg = 1 hen’s egg


  • 1 Tablespoon Ground Flax Seeds or Flax Seed Meal

  • 2½ Tablespoons Water

How It’s Made

  • In a small bowl, mix the flax with the water. 

  • Stir.

  • Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes.  It will thicken and become gloppy, which you want!

  • Use it in your baked good recipe.  



  • Double the amounts for recipes that call for 2 eggs.