Iced Ginger Lemon Turmeric Tea

Nothing quenches your thirst and rehydrates you on a hot summer day like an iced tea (some might say a cold beer but not me!). This iced tea is sweetened with a small amount of natural maple syrup, or honey if you prefer, and has turmeric to provide colour and wonderful healthy benefits. Best is that the ingredients are easily and readily available at every grocery store! A delicious, guilt-free and super healthy, thirst quenching, hydrating, satisfying, caffeine-free beverage on a hot day? Yes please!

Why is this tea so ridiculously healthy?

Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, has been shown to lower blood sugar levels, helps with digestion, eases nausea, may lower bad cholesterol and can help fight infections.

Lemons are a good source of VitC which protects your heart from disease and stroke, good against the formation of kidney stones as it increases pH making a less hospitable environment for the formation of kidney stones, the citric acid in lemons help absorb iron better in the body, and studies have shown that citrus fruits help to fight certain cancers.

The curcumin in turmeric is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant to help the body fight diseases caused by inflammation and fight free radicals. Turmeric also boosts a specific brain hormone that is beneficial against degenerative brain processes.

Studies have shown that the capsaicin in black pepper helps the curcumin in turmeric better absorb in the body to be able to better use the amazing health benefits of turmeric.

Cinnamon is an ancient spice that was highly prized and given to Kings as gifts. It is a wonderful spice filled with nutritional health benefits. Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, is beneficial for healthy cholesterol levels, has been shown to reduce blood pressure, has a positive effect on balancing blood sugar levels and studies have shown that cinnamon inhibits the build-up of a protein in the brain linked to Alzheimer disease.

Delicious hot as well, which I make in the winter, this is a soothing, warming tea with subtle flavours. It just takes a few minutes in a pan to heat it up when you make a batch and keep in the fridge.

What are you waiting for? Brew some up!

As always, when you make this recipe, please post a photo of your Iced Ginger Lemon Turmeric Tea goodness and tag my IG account #RenataCollective or leave a comment with your thoughts!

Prep Time: 5 minutes / Cook time: 10 minutes / Makes: 8+ cups (2 Quarts)


  • 10 Cups Water

  • 4 Lemons – 2 sliced and 2 juiced (or perhaps you already have fresh lemon juice having used this tip!)

  • 2” Piece of Fresh Ginger (about a 1/3 cup) – sliced

  • 1½ teaspoon Ground Turmeric

  • 1/2 teaspoon Ground Black Pepper

  • 4 Cinnamon Sticks

  • 1/3 Cup Maple Syrup – Alternate: honey

  • Ice

How It’s Made

  • In a large pot, combine the water, 2 sliced lemons, sliced ginger, turmeric, pepper and cinnamon sticks. Stir to distribute the turmeric and pepper into the water.

  • Bring it to a rolling boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot and let simmer for 10 minutes.

  • Remove the pan from the heat and allow the tea to cool.

  • While the tea is cooling, juice the 2 remaining lemons (or 8 Tablespoons already squeezed fresh juice) - you may wish to zest them first to not waste the valuable and useful lemon zest - and mix the juice and the maple syrup (or honey if you are using honey to sweeten your tea) in a large bowl. (I use glass as the turmeric might stain a plastic pitcher.)

  • Strain the cooled tea mixture from the pot into the bowl. Toss the lemon, ginger slices and cinnamon sticks into your green bin or compost pile.

  • Stir the tea and give it a taste with a clean spoon. Add additional maple syrup (or honey) to your taste. Ladle the tea into a large pitcher, or into mason jars as I do.

  • Serve over ice!


Note: The tea will settle when stored so give it a stir if in a pitcher, or a shake if in a tight lidded mason jars, before pouring.

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