Egg Cups

So easy. So good! Here is my recipe for a simple breakfast idea that takes minutes to make, then you pop it into the oven to cook while you have time to do other things, and the result is a wonderfully nutritious, fabulous looking and delicious tasting Egg Cup! My Egg Cup recipes does not contain bread. Mine is a protein rich recipe with the egg, ham and cheese. Serve your Egg Cups with a slice of your favourite bread on the side!

Meal Perp Alert – make these up one day to enjoy for breakfast, lunch or a light dinner and put the rest in the fridge in an airtight container. They reheat well or can be eaten cold the next day or two so you have breakfast or a healthy snack ready to go!  

Eggs are a fantastic food. In fact, eggs are in the Superfood category. They are wonderfully nutritious – they contain VitA A, B5, B2, B6, B12, D, E and K, Phosphorous, Calcium, Zinc, Folate, Selenium and many trace minerals beneficial for our health. Look for Omega 3 enriched eggs when buying eggs – free range are wonderful if you can find them.

Eggs contain cholesterol and have been given a bad nutritional rap because of this. The cholesterol in eggs does not increase the cholesterol in the majority of people. There are certain rare genetic conditions where people cannot tolerate eggs in their diet due to cholesterol. For the majority of people, your liver makes cholesterol throughout the day. When you eat a food that has cholesterol, your liver simply reduces the amount it produces.

In fact, eating eggs is a good way to increase HDL, the ‘good’ cholesterol and having a higher level of HDL usually results in a lower risk of stroke and heart disease.   

As always, when you make this recipe, I would love to see your creation so please post a photo of your Egg Cups goodness and tag my IG account #RenataCollective or leave a comment with your thoughts!

Prep Time:  10 minutes / Bake Time: 20-25 minutes / Makes: 6 Egg Cups


  • 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil (or oil of your choice) to grease the muffin cups or use Silicon Muffin Liners 

  • 6 Slices of Black Forest Ham - Alternate: sliced deli roast turkey or chicken breast

  • 6 eggs

  • 1 Cup (+/-) Grated Cheddar Cheese (or cheese of your choice – Gruyere is a favourite in our home!)

  • Sea Salt and Grinds of Black Pepper – to taste

How It’s Made

  •  Preheat your oven to 350°F.

  • Spray 6 muffin tins with a bit of olive oil or place a silicon muffin liner into each muffin cup.

  • Place a slice of ham onto each cup and gently push it into the cup.

  • Sprinkle some cheese into each cup.

  • Crack an egg into each cup – it likely will overflow into the outside of the ham – that’s ok.

  • Sprinkle more cheese on top of the egg.

  • Season with the sea salt and grinds of fresh black pepper.

  • Bake in the pre-heated oven for 20-25 minutes.  Oven temperatures vary, so check after 20 minutes to see how the egg has cooked. You want the egg white to be firm so if it is still runny, bake longer.

  • Remove the pan from the oven when the egg yolks are done to your liking and serve right away.  Use a soft spatula to scoop the egg cup out from the tin or the silicon muffin liner and place it on the serving plate.  Serve with toast for breakfast or with a side salad for lunch or a light dinner.
