DIY Onion Soup Mix

As with the Herbed Seasoned Sea Salt blend, here is another DIY mix that I use throughout the year – Onion Soup Mix.  I like to make this blend myself as I can reduce or remove the amount of salt compared to commercial packages, use fresher ingredients, I find it’s tastier than commercial versions and making your own is more economical.

This mix is so quick and easy to make – I don’t even whirl it in a food processor to keep the onion flakes whole and as close to (with less salt!) to a commercial mix.   I use it in a bunch of savory dishes – really wherever commercial onion soup is called for, and a pinch here and there to lightly season a dish. And of course, a heaping teaspoon and boiling water makes a great warm savory drink!

It will last in your cupboard for 6 months (write the date you made it on your label) but likely you’ll use it up before then!   

As always, when you make this recipe, I would love to see your creation so please post a photo of your DIY Onion Soup Mix goodness and tag my IG account #RenataCollective or leave a comment with your thoughts!

Prep Time: 5 minutes / Makes: About ½ cup


  • ⅓ Cup Dehydrated Minced Onion

  • 3 Tablespoons Veggie Bouillon mix – or commercial veggie bouillon powder (this will increase the salt content)

  • 1½ Tablespoons Nutritional Yeast

  • ½ teaspoon Onion Powder

  • ½ teaspoon Paprika

  • ½ teaspoon Garlic Powder – Note: not garlic salt

  • 1/8 teaspoon Ground Turmeric

  • 1/8 teaspoon Ground Sage

  • A Few Grinds of Fresh Black Pepper

How It’s Made

  • In a small bowl or right in the glass jar with a tight-fitting lid that you will store your mix in, add all the ingredients and mix until well blended.  

  • Label and date your jar. This mix will keep in the cupboard up to 6 months.


Note: About 4 tablespoons equal 1 package of commercial onion soup mix. Use more or less to suit your taste.