Whipped Feta with Kalamata Olives and Sun-Dried Tomatoes

I have discovered Whipped Feta this summer, and what a lovely treat it is. Easy to whip up (pun intended!), so delicious and with so many uses, we have had this recipe on repeat! Simple ingredients, a few minutes and you have a wonderful appetizer and a topping for just about anything – sandwiches, salads, pasta, veggies… Topped with the Kalamata olives, sun-dried tomatoes and herbs, this whipped feta is next level in deliciousness.

I don’t season this recipe with salt as the feta is salty enough, imo.

Feta is originally from Greece and made with goat or sheep milk, and while you can make whipped feta with either goat or sheep milk feta, the version available at our local grocery stores is ‘Greek Style’ Cheese made from cow’s milk and it works perfectly for this recipe. Feta is a low-calorie and low-fat cheese, and being a dairy product, it is a good source of protein and calcium, also phosphorous and contains a range of B vitamins as well.

Kalamata olives contain a healthy fat, good for our brain health and heart health, and contain iron, calcium and copper, as well as VitA and VitE which support eye health.

Sun-dried tomatoes are a powerhouse of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, and contain more than in a fresh or canned tomato because of the concentration of the fruit nutrients during the drying process. They also are a rich source of VitC, a vital nutrient to boost the immune system especially during times of stress.

Enjoy a special treat of Whipped Feta with Kalamata Olives and Sun-Dried Tomatoes as summer winds down.

As always, when you make this recipe, please post a photo of your Whipped Feta goodness and tag my IG account #RenataCollective or leave a comment with your thoughts!

Prep Time: 10 minutes / Cook Time: No Cook Time / Makes 1½ Cups


Whipped Feta

  • 1½ Cups Feta Cheese - drained and crumbled

  • ¼ Cup Cream Cheese

  • ¼ Cup Plain Greek Yogurt - optional

  • ¼ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil – use a good quality

  • 2 Tablespoons Honey

  • 1 teaspoon Lemon Zest

  • Grinds of Fresh Black Pepper


  • 1/3 Cup Kalamata Olives – jarred, pitted and sliced

  • 1/3 Cup Sun-Dried Tomatoes – jarred in oil, diced

  • 2 Tablespoons Oil – from the sun-dried tomato jar

  • 2 teaspoons Dried Thyme

  • Grinds of Fresh Black Pepper

  • Pinch of Fresh or Dried Oregano and Thyme - garnish

How It’s Made

  • Add the crumbled feta, cream cheese, yogurt (if using) and olive oil to a food processor. Whirl for 2-3 minutes until the mixture looks smooth and whipped. Add the honey, lemon zest and black pepper - whirl again for another minute.

  • In a small pot, on medium low heat, add the sliced olives, the diced sun-dried tomatoes, the oil, thyme and black pepper. Stir and let heat for 3 minutes through to blend the flavours. Remove from heat and let cool for 5 minutes.

  • Add the whipped feta to a pretty bowl and spoon on the topping. Garnish with a pinch of oregano, thyme and black pepper. Serve with slices of baguette, crackers, veggies.
