One Sheet Sugared Tamari Salmon Filet and Veggie

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I love a good One Sheet dinner recipe. The prep is easy and the clean up is even easier and the cooking time of less than a half-hour means you have a fabulous dinner on the table that is perfect for a healthy family dinner and elegant enough for company! This recipe is so versatile - you can add whatever veggies you like to roast – just make sure they are cut to a smaller size to cook at the same time as the salmon. You can use individual salmon filet slices or one piece as I have done here.

Salmon boasts an impressive list of nutritional benefits – it is a delicious source of protein, high in potassium which helps control blood pressure and prevent associated fluid retention, it is high in the mineral selenium which improves thyroid function and protects bone health. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce inflammation and salmon is an excellent source of several B vitamins, which are needed for the body’s energy production and which help control inflammation and protect heart and brain health.

Tamari is a Japanese soy sauce made by fermenting soybeans for miso and it is usually gluten-free, unlike traditional soy sauce which is often brewed with wheat products. Tamari is also less salty than most soy sauces. Tamari has a lovely strong ‘umami’ flavour, which is Japanese and means “a pleasant savoury taste” and referred to often as a taste quality in recipes and cooking.

Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook time: 25 Minutes Total: 30 Minutes Serves: 4


  • 1 salmon filet or 4 individual salmon filet slices

  • 1/3 cup Tamari

  • 1/3 cup Coconut Sugar (option: Brown Sugar)

  • Pepper and Sea Salt

  • Veggie – i.e., carrot sticks as in the photos – see variations of veggies to use below

  • Olive oil to coat the veggies

  • Herb of choice to season the veggies – i.e., dried rosemary, thyme or parsley

How It’s Made

  • Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F.

  • Prep the veggie(s) you will roast. Some suggestions: Carrots cut into sticks, sweet potatoes cut into small cubes, asparagus spears (stalks snapped), broccoli florets, cauliflower bites, sliced peppers, halved mushrooms, halved baby potatoes or fingerlings, halved shallots, smaller cooking onions quartered… the possibilities are so many! Put your prepared veggie(s) of choice into a bowl, drizzle with some olive, grape seed or sesame oil and toss to coat. Lightly season with your herb of choice – rosemary is a great one that goes so well with the salmon!

  • Line a cookie sheet with foil. Oil the foil well. Grind some pepper and sprinkle some salt on the oiled foil.

  • Place the salmon on the foil.

  • Rub the sugar over the salmon.

  • Drizzle the Tamari over the salmon and rub it into the sugar and salmon. There will be run off that you can spoon over the salmon and then leave to flavour the veggies that roast in it.

  • Add your veggies around the salmon.

  • Bake for 10 minutes at 425 degrees F. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F and roast for an additional 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and check for doneness – the veggies should pierce through with a sharp knife and the salmon should flake easily and be dense to the touch. You can also cut into the filet to make sure it is a uniform cooked pink colour. If it needs more time, return to the oven and check every 5 minutes.

  • If I make only one colour of roasted veggie with the salmon, I like to add an additional colour to the plate when serving, as in the pan sautéed peas in the photos. A mixed greens salad would work as well.

  • Serve just the salmon and veggies or add a side of rice noodles, rice or quinoa.



  • Add ¼ cup sweet chilli sauce to ¼ cup Tamari and rub this mixture on to the salmon over the sugar.

  • Rub ¼ cup creamy Dijon mustard on the salmon first then the sugar and Tamari.

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