Foolproof Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are great to have in the fridge for a healthy snack or pair it with some toast, mashed avocado and slice up the egg on top and you have a fabulous lunch or light dinner!

Eggs are powerhouses of nutrition with many vitamins and minerals and benefits. They are a rich source of protein which makes you feel full longer and this helps with weight management.

They are beneficial for brain health and the nervous system - the lutein in eggs is good for eye health, the folic acid is good for pregnancy to prevent congenital issues, and the Vit A, B12 and Selenium are necessary nutrients to support immune health.

This is my foolproof way to make hard-boiled eggs.

Renata_Collective-Hard-bolied-eggs 1.jpg


  • Water

  • 6 Eggs (Preferred Free Range)

  • 1 Tablespoon White Vinegar

  • 1½ teaspoon sea salt

How It’s Made

  • In a medium saucepan, fill half way with cold water. Add the white vinegar and salt to the water and bring to boil on the stove.

  • When the water comes to a boil, with a slotted spoon, slip the eggs, one by one, into the boiling water. Time it for 11 minutes to hard boil the eggs so the yolks are cooked through but not dry.

  • After 11 minutes, remove from heat and immediately rinse with cold water. Let the eggs sit in the cold water, draining and replacing the cold water as it gets to room temperate. This helps the shells to come off easily.

  • Store in the fridge.
