Apple Pie Overnight Oats


A few minutes the night before and you have a quick grab-and-go nutritious and delicious breakfast for a busy morning!  

Prep time: 10 minutes / Cook Time: 6-12 Hours – includes overnight in the fridge / Number of Servings: 2 Generous breakfast containers


  • 2 Apples of your choice - peeled, cored and diced (can leave skin if using organic apples) 

  • 2 teaspoons Chia Seeds

  • 2 teaspoons Hemp Hearts

  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon (or to taste) 

  • ¼ teaspoon Ground Ginger (or to taste)

  • 1 cup of large flake Rolled Oats – can use Gluten Free

  • 1/3 cup Oat Bran

  • 1½ cups (or more depending on your oats) of Almond Milk (or the nut milk of your choice)

  • ½ teaspoon pure Vanilla Extract

  • 2 Tablespoons Maple Syrup or Honey (or to taste)

  • 2 Tablespoons sliced or chopped whole Almonds or other nut of choice - optional

  • 2 teaspoons of Raisins, Currants or diced Dates – optional

How It’s Made

  • In two 250ml (or larger) jars with tight fitting lids, or a bowl to mix it all up and then spoon into the jars once combined (which is what I recommend and how I made it), add all the ingredients – the order isn`t important. If putting the ingredients directly into the jars, get into each jar with a spoon or a knife, right to the bottom, and stir to make sure the ingredients are combined well.

  • Make sure the mixture is very saucy. If it is not saucy, add more almond milk. 

  • Do not fill to the top of the jars, leave a little room, as the oats will need space to soften and expand overnight. 

  • Cover tightly, give a gently shake of each jar and refrigerate overnight. 

  • Add a sprinkle of more cinnamon if desired in the morning.  

  • Enjoy cold or you can put the contents of a jar into a saucepan and gently warm it up on the stove over a low heat - nice on a chilly Autumn or Winter morning. 



  • Fresh peaches and/or pears, when in season, are also delicious in this recipe, either with the apple or in addition to the apple.  

  • If you are not daily intolerant, you can use milk  instead of almond or another nut milk (I use skim when using milk).

  • A large dollop of yogurt, either regular or coconut milk yogurt,  is a really nice and flavourful addition.