Brain Health
Brain health remains a popular subject in medical research and in the media and I find it fascinating and also more than a little terrifying. Here in Canada, according to the trusted Alzheimer Society of Canada:
As of January 1, 2024, we estimate than 733,040 people in Canada are living with dementia.
Every day, more than 350 people in Canada develop dementia. This is more than 15 every hour.
By 2030, nearly 1 million people in Canada could live with dementia.
Alarming, right?
In the US, as their population is so much larger than Canada, 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Another 10,000,000 suffer with severe dementia.
We had dementia strike our family, with our beloved Dad - so strong and intelligent and capable and amazing. It is painful, emotional and difficult to watch and navigate as the disease progresses. I want to do everything in my power to not have my sons go through the same with me or my hubby as we did with Dad.
To this end, you'll see that many of my recipes include ingredients that are antioxidants, boost the immune system, support and strengthen brain health to reduce cognitive decline.
What triggered today's musings was an article I read from an another trusted source: GreenMedInfo: 7 Proven Ways to Keep Your Brain Young, and I share it with you here. They list a couple of natural supplements and, of course, always check with your health care professional before starting something new.
And at the website, there is a post that is a good read as well: 12 Actions For A Healthier Brain At Any Age.
It's up to us as individuals to look after ourselves and our loved ones. No one is going to do it for us.
Some brain healthy, cognitive supporting recipes to inspire you:
Crispy Brussels Sprouts, Kielbasa and Apple One Pot
Stay healthy, happy, safe and strong my friends